Thursday, October 30, 2014

Scarlet to Snow

I see clear as water
who I really am
But I really don't bother
to try to understand
how it works, how I stop
How I stop.

I see clear as water
that no matter what I do
It's is 100% impossible
to get closer to you
by my own,
By my own.

My soul is stained
My hands are full of blood
Bright red covers me
from head to toe.
You are Holy, I know
But you are Full of Mercy too,
Oh Lord...

You loved me so much
That I cannot even measure
The greatness of your love.

You loved me so much
that you gave your Son to die for me,
and to cleanse me from scarlet to snow,

You made me white as snow.

I see clear as water
that Your promises
are Faithful and True
and they never fail
and even if I fail a thousand times
You still lift me up.

I see clear as water
that you want me to change
You indeed transformed me
into a new man.
But living in the flesh
makes it more harder to me.

My soul is stained,
my hands are full of blood.
Shiny red keeps me
from approach your Throne.
You are Holy I know,
but You are Full of Mercy too,
Oh Jesus...

You loved me so much
That I cannot even measure
the greatness of your grace.

You loved me so much
That You gave your Son, and His blood,
Makes me from scarlet to snow.

You makes us white as snow.

What can I do, but to come to you?
Soak myself in your grace.
There is none like You!

What can I do, but come to You?
Soak myself in your grace.
There is none like You.

You loved so much
That we can't even measure
The greatness of your love

You loved us so much
That You gave us Your Son,
And His blood changes us, from scarlet to snow.

You made us white as snow.

City Lights

While reading, listen to this. You'll get the point.

The flashing lights never stop running,

The flashing lights never stop
fooling in my mind.

All dreams and hopes are changing my brain cells.
They are revealing my true self.

I'm lost again.
I'm lost again, Oh Lord.

God, look how I'm idolizing status,
Look how I'm idolizing sex.

Look how I'm idolizing places,
Look how I'm loving myself.

Look how I'm getting just poisoned
with all the pleasures of this world.

I'm getting just infatuated.
I'm calling this place "home"...


It's like loving the floor of a prison cell...

Is like if you have a Ferrari
and you want to compare it to another thing.

And you know what's the thing that
gives me more stress, in this whole mess?

Is that we change that Ferrari for a Prius,
no offense, but you know what I'm saying?

I'm changing the Grace of God,
for the flashing of the city lights.

I'm changing the love of God,
for the noise of a dark site.

Jesus, save me! I beg and pray...
I need to humble, I need to break.

But is not easy for me, Father,
I'm not a boy, but I'm not a man.

It's your Spirit that enlightens me.
You guide in a sound path.

It's your blood that redeemed me.
Yes, You gave me new life.

But I'm still in this earth vessel...
all cracked down and self-polluted.

Maybe the apostle Paul was right about it:
I just do want I don't want to do!

But I remember the Scripture.
Because is Light to my path.

And resting in the work of Jesus.
Saves and protects me from your wrath.

Right now, I just let everything go.
I feel free when I lose control.

I trust that you overcame.
That you are the Light of the World.

The True Light
that show us our sin;
Not gossips in magazines.
The True Light
that show us the way.
Because He is The Way.
The True Light
that delivers us from madness;
because He overcame darkness.
The True Light that gave us new hearts.
His Name is Jesus.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Oda a los Viejos Amigos

Revisando los polvorientos albums de fotos,
recuerdo rostros sonrientes,
miradas valientes, y templado ambiente.

El rencor, y la envidia cubre junto al polvo
la cerradura de esa llave, que abre los recuerdos
y pasiones, entranables y nostalgicos momentos.

Abre tambien el amor, y la humildad,
la decencia y prudencia, el poder volver a empezar,
y reir, perdonar; quizas la amistad recomenzar.

Pero las preguntas caen como densa lluvia,
que moja hasta lo ultimo de la consiencia.
"Por ques", y "que pasarian" hacen su presencia.

Me cuestiono la dureza del corazon,
la inocencia de la mente infantil, al pensar que la amistad
seria algo que duraria una eternidad.

Pero me cuestiono, de Dios su Presencia,
Su reaccion hacia el reset inesperado.
Si seria bueno, el pedir perdon y ofrecer la mano.

Aun Dios en su Palabra me dice
que no mire nunca atras. Que El tiene cosas mejores.
Y lo se! Pero los viejos tiempos, dejan el surco con dolores.

Quisera poder volver atras,
pero con la mentalidad actual.
Dar la cara en amor, y por ellos, alli siempre estar.