Thursday, May 1, 2014


My heart is in doubts,
uncertain and despair.
With nowhere to go
asking if this is fair.

Playing just in affairs!
looks like God left me alone,
this time, to make me understand
that love is not something to mourn.

But to laugh! And live,
and enjoy one another!
Not to look for self, idioticly.
But to die for the sake of the other.

What is Love?
We laugh about that question.
Like the song; we mock it up,
instead of making it action.

What is Love?
Nothing but self-humiliation.
Brokenness healed by a heart
willing to take the retaliations.

Tears and questions,
more tears and questions...
Peaceful silence, that confunds me.
Oh, God, grant me that conection!

So I can understand more
about what You meant for Love.
Cuz I have no idea
if is less or more.

If is high or low.
is if short or deep.
If is a game or a duty,
if is worthy to keep.

Tears and questions.
But answers given.
Praises be to GOD...
Because of Him we are forgiven

And taught to love
to care and wait.
without giving attention
to the burden or its weight.

The real answers aren't in
a self-motivational book.
The Bible gives them, clear.
They are sharp, as a hook.

Man and a woman.
Woman and man.
Love is more than sex;
understand it, we can't.

What is Love?
Nothing but giving one self up.
As Jesus died for us,giving our lives
for the one that put our hearts on top.

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