Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Three Amigos

Once upon a time, there was a lonely boy. Depressed. Silent. Shy. We had no one to talk. Everybody used to beat him almost every day, and he suffered much. One day he got to make a friendship with one of the bullies who beat him, and he could not imagine the kind of friend he won. Together they changed schools ... and found another guy ... similar to them. Silent, alone. Without many friends. The 3 became more than friends: brothers. soccer unite them. The classes put them together. The very fact of sharing a bond of friendship, fellowship and unity made them stronger. They were so different: the first was small, talkative, noisy. At the same time was noble and without malice in it. Another was strong, with a beard. He had style, he kept talking to anyone who would listen to him and was considered a great lover. At the same time was the kind of person who gave everything for his family, no matter what. The other was large and robust. Looking rough, teasing and aggressive. He has the biggest smile. And he made all the practical jokes. But at the same time, was the sentimental and the biggest heart and honest of all. The 3 became friends with many more who considered family with them.But 3 had a special connection. It showed when they played soccer together. A goalkeeper and two defenders.

Life passed away and they grew up. They were men. They trusted each other. They were strong. And together they thought they were invincible. Until one day had to be separated. One, the bearded, started fast adult life, working, being with his fiancee . Building a sedentary life. He remained the same, but the responsibilities kept him away from others. They were two.They, the small and the robust, followed their dreams. They continued with their illusions, achieve them as a team. Until God wanted the small cross the ocean to seek a better future in other lands. And only remain one. Solo. As in the beginning. Never guess the  problems that the tiny one would get. Under attack from something stronger than human hatred: falling prisoner in addictions, vices, fixations, obsessions. He believed himself lost forever in this cruel world.Until he saw the light, and a new sense to live: Christ. With work and many  interior and exterior sacrifices, he began a change that is still living. The bearded, still working hard.Struggling with the things of everyday life. The tedious job, his girlfriend who needed attention. His family. The way that soccer began to move away slowly ... He began to see just what was in front without anything further. Carried away by the little moments of "tranquility" that the world gave to him, not realizing that someone had to suffer for him behind his back. The little boy wanted to warn him ... He wanted to give a word of advice with all the experience of what he has learned over time and suffering. The bearded Ignored him, and he even rejected him. The big man let go himself to his loneliness: His loneliness in love, his loneliness in the silence, loneliness without friends.The coach takes him as the scapegoat for no reason, and that makes him lose confidence in others and in it. Life,was charging to him all the bills of the efforts without results. He blamed the Fate. Not even worthy to blame God ... not even that. Not saw the sense to follow ... do not saw the sense to keep thinking that he hoped for when he played with his other 2 friends. That vanishes in the way of complete despair and disappointment. He no longer believes. And there was only pain. The small, from the distance, asked him to wake up ...he told him that  there is hope.The beard does not appear. The hours pass and so the three friends met another way to connect even without communicating anything and without speaking: Suffering, Pain, Loneliness and Tiredness.

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